Monday, September 12, 2011

What will your kids do if you are seperated....

I have been watching show after show the last few days about 9/11.  They have been so interesting and sad.  Its hard to believe that it has been 10 years now.

While watching one of the shows it was talking about parents who were on Staten Island when the twin towers were attacked.  I did not see this part, my friend did, she said that people were not allowed into down town Manhattan.  Some of the people who were stuck on Staten Island had kids in day cares in down town Manhattan.  They were stuck for days so the day cares had to keep the kids.

Have you ever thought about what would happen if a natural disaster struck and you were separated from your kids for an extended period of time.  I have!  My 2 oldest kids go to school across the river.  If Mt. St. Helens were to blow, if we had an earthquake, if we had major flooding....all of which are very possible here....I would NOT be able to get to my kids.  We have talked to them and they know that if something were to happen and I was not able to get to them they are to go to my parents house.

It is important to come up with a plan for your kids NOW, not later or when a disaster strikes.  Your kids NEED to know what they are supposed to do and where they are to go.  Not every one is going to have family by them.  Find friends, church members or someone you trust with your kids.  Talk to them.  Come up with a plan.  You dont want a disaster to strike and just have your kids show up at their door.  

Now that you know who is going to take care of your kids they need to make sure they have enough food and water for your children as well.  It wont do much good if there isnt enough food or water for them.  The same goes for you if you will be having other peoples children come to your house.  Make sure you have enough as well. 

Make sure your children are comfortable with these people.  If they are going to be away from you for a few days they are going to be upset and if they dont know who they are staying with it will only make things harder on everyone.

One thing that I dont have but will be working on very soon is a school 72 hr pack for my kids.  I KNOW that my parents have enough food and water for my children.  BUT what if they are stuck at school.  The school isnt going to have a lot.  Every little bit you can do to help your kids will help!  It doesnt have to be a lot.  Just some water pouches and food bars will do.  I would also add a small first aid kit.

I have learned a lot by watching the History Channel the last few days.  I have been thinking a lot about our 72 hr kits.  I have been working on them for a while now but they are not complete.  The shows have given me different ideas on things to put in them.  I dont have masks.  Something that is needed as I`m not too far from Mt. St. Helens.  If she erupts we WILL need masks.  Gloves, what if you are stuck and need to dig yourself out.  Think about what kind of natural disasters happen where you live and plan accordingly. 

September is National Emergency Preparedness month.  What a better time to get prepared.  There have been so many natural disasters its not a matter of IF...but WHEN something happens.  Its better to be prepared now.  If you wait until something has happened or is predicted the shelves at the stores WILL be wiped out with in hours if not sooner.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts! My kids are young and we aren't often separated, but I STILL worry about this. Thanks for the tips!
