A few weeks ago it was my turn to take my daughter and niece to preschool. I had finished everything I needed to get done that day and had a little extra time before I had to pick up the girls so I decided to go to Fred Meyers. We were low on milk and I wanted to look at some clothes for my trip to Hawaii. When I got there I thought man this place is packed. I had never been to the store when so many people had been there. Going up and down the food isles i felt like I had to run so I wouldnt get ran over. I got my milk and got out of the food section and went to look at clothes.
When I went to check out I said to the cashier man you are busy today I wonder why. She looked at me weird and said probably because of the storm that is coming tonight. It kind of shocked me for a second. It never once crossed my mind to run to the store to stock up on food. But that is what everyone was doing. Running to the store in case they couldnt get out of their houses.
Thank goodness for my food storage. I didnt even think twice about if we had food or not. I knew my family would be ok! What will you be doing when a storm is on its way?
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