Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Egg Powder Review

This next item I would like to review for you is our egg powder. I`m sure your thinking....NASTY!!! Am I right? When I had my 1st party my mom was helping me with the cooking. When I told her I wanted her to make scrambled eggs with our egg powder she thought I was crazy! After she made them she tried them and said these are actually really good. They don`t taste any different than fresh eggs.

Our egg powder come in 2 different sizes, a #10 can (1 gallon) and our pantry size can. The pantry can is about 1/3 - 1/4 the size of the #10 can. The #10 can hold 236 eggs and is $20.99. The pantry can holds 60 eggs and is $9.09 To make an egg you use 1 TBS of egg powder and 2TBS of water.

Our egg powder last 5 years unopened and 6 months opened. If you do a lot of baking or eat a lot of scrambled eggs the #10 is great. Its the best value. If you dont do as much baking or don`t eat as many scrambled eggs than the pantry size can is what you want!

If you are wanting to compare apples to apples. Shelf Reliance eggs are about .09 cents each. Comparing that to my local grocery store that has 1 doz eggs for about $1.89. You will pay about .16 cents each.

When you rehydrate the egg powdered they do look different from a fresh egg. They are not thick like a fresh egg. Once they are cooked they look the same. I have used the powdered eggs for scrambled eggs, french toast, fried rice/wheat and in ALL my baking. I have yet to have anyone notice the difference. When you use powdered eggs in your baking add the powder with your dry ingredients and the water with the wet ingredients. There is no need to rehydrate the eggs 1st. The 1st time I used the powdered eggs in something other than baking I was making breakfast and was running out of eggs. I just added a couple powdered eggs to the eggs I had left and my kids didn`t even notice! I have some VERY picky eaters so that says a lot!

Do you need 1 more reason to try our powdered eggs? Here it is. Are you worried about letting your kids...our yourself...eat cookie dough? Afraid they will get sick. Well when you use our powdered eggs there is no worrying. You can now let your kids....or yourself....eat as much as they want. How sweet is that!

Disclaimer, the prices posted here are if you go through me directly.  If you follow the link and buy them it will cost you 1-2% more.  

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