Friday, February 11, 2011

About me

Welcome to my blog! I just wanted to introduce myself so you can get to know me a little better. I am a stay at home mom and love it. I have been married for 7 years now. We have 4 wonderful (wonderful as in kids who fight all the time, purposefully try to make each other mad or yell, wild & crazy) children who range in age from 13 down to 4.

Those who know me well know that I am very frugal. Just before I started building my food storage I started using coupons. As I began to save money I realized that I could use some of the money I was saving to build my food storage. So about 4 years or so ago I decided that I needed to start building my food storage. Now when you hear me refer to our food storage I am meaning everything you need to survive, food, water, toilet paper, hygiene items, household items etc. My use of coupons is what has made it possible for me to build my storage.

As I was using my coupons I was starting to getting things for FREE. Things that my family used that was killing me to buy I was getting for next to nothing. For example, my husband loves Gillette razors which are around $9 for 1 razor. Well when I watched for a good sale and paired that with coupons I was able to get them for .50 each. We now have at least a year supply of razors. Same with body wash, shampoo and other items we use on a daily basis. I have gotten pretty good at using coupons and I really enjoy it.

Fast forward 4 years or so. Towards the end of this past summer (2010) I just happened to see something about Shelf Reliance starting home parties. I knew about Shelf Reliance. One year for Christmas my mom had bought me some of their small cupboard rotators and about 4 years ago we bought the mac daddy shelf...the harvest 72. I LOVE my shelf! Anyways, When I saw that Shelf Reliance was just starting out with home parties I was trying to find something to help fill my time. With out even thinking about it I KNEW this was for me! No questions asked. Shelf Reliance home parties and me, it just made since and was a perfect fit. When I talked to my husband about it he knew it as well. This was for me! So I signed up and have loved every minute of it. I have built my food storage along the way as well as made money and helped educate people about food storage. Now I don't have to worry about boring people when I talk about food storage. People are coming to the parties to HEAR me talk about food storage. I love it! I LOVE my job!

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